This week i’m gonna write about my hobbie. I enjoy drawing since I had memory but when I was 8 years old I took it like a part of my life. It all begun with the Extra-programmatic activities of my school. There was one among them who captivated me: Comic Club. Every Saturday i arrived religiously to my Comic class at thirty past ten in the morning (10:30 - AM) no matter what the weather was. I learned so many things like shadowing objects, motions, emotions and clothes details who glared me that drawing becomes a central piece of my existence.
I’m still had the habit of draw even if I don’t bring my sketch book. Every classmate who ever sat close to me in every class, whether it’s amusing or boring, could testify that i love incorporate draws on my notebooks. Sometimes related with the class subject, sometimes with random thing that i concibe.
I couldn`t say that the meaning of my hobbie evolved. It still is a reflection of things that i consider beautiful, situations that i like to live (or avoid) and poetic-like representations. It surprises me the fact that it still helps me to perceive me like a talentous guy. The only thing that evolved was my technique that i percive it was too basic when i was 6, 9, 12 or even 15. I’m really proud of myself how much i improved.
Drawing is also very therapeutical for me. Something sad’s summer semmester had took a great piece of my attention so I leave it abandoned. I’m really excited to finish the academic debt and recover the drawing time.
Finally I’ll list my favourites to draw: Mythological beings, specially Harpies and Minotaurs, People with stylish clothes, Adventure items like bagpacks, swords, and gems and Imaginary beings of my mind (like
Super Ivetto haha :D)
This is one of my curret artworks :DSuper Ivetto haha :D)