Friday, December 30, 2011

Facts i love ‘bout Facso

When i recieve an e-mail of University of Chile i felt really excited. I finally become a student of Facso! (Facso means Faculty of Social Sciencies, but in Spanish clearly)

You can't visit Facso without try the legendary "pastos", the most confortable place for make social life. (My photo even has a British version of Ricardo).  

So, when i arrived here there was a plenty of specific step which push me to travel through Gomez Millas Campus. So, the Registration Tour was very important for me beacuse help me to make a whole imprison: Facso is modest, but isn’t poor. I think the lack of luxury reflects the social spirit which involves this building. Yeah, that’s Facso: a humble building with Broherhood (and also Political) Spirit!
There’s just one severe critic i should make to Facso: our library is disappointing. I mean when i saw the libary of Faculty of Philosophy i thought that it was a sanctury. I really want that ours were the half of good. I mean, i hope someday we’d have a bigger place, and even important, that were sound-proof.    


  1. It`s true the library is really bad, and never find the book that you want.
    I have a hope that in a small future this coulb be different ;)

  2. you are a very optimistic men!!!!!

  3. "British version of Ricardo" wahahah yeah! so creepy D:!

    I think the same, people here are simple, honest... a little and happy country (:

  4. Really the library is not good, but at least is a good place to sleep something, hahahah

  5. Facso is as an independent place in this country! I didn't remember the noise in the library, 'cause I use to go to the Arts Grasses (loh pastoh de arteh) to study, although most of the times I do it I fall asleep :B

  6. your post remain me the commentary about JGM is the "third-world" in the Universidad de Chile. I agree, Facso is modest, but isn’t poor... jejeje.
