Friday, January 20, 2012

People can learn about environment practices ib their work, finding press articles, magazines and another kind of attractive media and also they can met person really involved with the issue.

Yeah, i internalizated recycle habits in my life. Actually i love JGM recyling containers beacuse they stimulated me to recycle more, specially glass. Glass beacuse my little brother was burnt when he was a baby and COANIQUEM always invited people to recycle glass to help burnt children. So, that’s why glass is my main option.

I’m not really a bycicle-type person because i have an childhood trauma which involves bycicles and vehicles accdidents, so, i actually don’t do anything to offset the problem. Neiher the relative about using a car.

I never participated in a environment supporting organization beacuse i too shy to defend a cause that society despects so much. I’m not really good dealing with a frustration like that.

I’ve done little things to reduce my carbon print but at least it’s something: reduce the flushes in my house and recycle glass and paper. I think i could do more.

I think Santiago really fails in the environment caring because its missing the integration of all its communes. I mean, it doesn’t exist equality among them, specially in economic terms and we don’t progress in this problem.

What else can I do for envioronment? I guess i can difuse the message about incorporate containers in the neighbourhoods and making comics or publicity to make people realise about how the planet need our help. 


  1. I think the recycling practice is most popular today, because in this globalized world the news about the care of nature are more known...

  2. You make me think about to recycle glass, because help to nature and help to children and this is so beautiful.

  3. I don't know about that use of glass,there is a much deeper cause than helping the ecology.. I will think about recycle glass twice before throwing it to the dump.

  4. What do you think about taking part in some ecologic activity in JGM? There are about three ecologic groups inside our campus, so you wouldn't face the same frustration you would in 'real' world. That's why I love JGM, it allows us to make things that in other places couldn't happen.

  5. I’m not really a bycicle-type person neither! :)
